How to Burn Candles

Beeswax candles have been used for centuries due to their natural beauty and soothing fragrance. Not only do they create a warm and inviting atmosphere, but they also offer numerous health benefits.

Beeswax candles are known to clean the air by releasing negative ions that neutralize pollutants, making them a popular choice for those seeking a healthier alternative to paraffin candles.

To ensure you get the most out of your beeswax candles while prioritizing safety, it's important to follow a few simple guidelines.

Here are the correct ways to burn beeswax candles and some essential safety tips:

1. Trim the wick: Before lighting your beeswax candle, make sure to trim the wick to approximately ¼ inch. A longer wick can cause uneven burning and excessive dripping. Trimming the wick also helps prevent the flame from becoming too large and potentially causing a fire hazard.

2. Use a proper holder: Always place your beeswax candle in a stable and heat-resistant holder. This will prevent any accidental tipping or toppling of the candle, reducing the risk of fire or injury. Avoid placing the candle on flammable surfaces or near any objects that could catch fire.

3. Burn in a draft-free area: Beeswax candles should be burned in a draft-free area to ensure an even and steady burn. Drafts can cause the flame to flicker and burn unevenly, leading to wasted wax and a shorter burn time. Additionally, a steady flame reduces the risk of accidental fires.

4. Allow the candle to pool: When burning a beeswax candle for the first time, allow the wax to melt and create a pool that reaches the edges of the container. This helps prevent tunneling, where the wax burns only in the center and leaves a rim of unused wax along the sides. Tunneling can decrease the overall burn time of the candle.

5. Avoid burning for extended periods: It's recommended not to burn beeswax candles for more than 3-4 hours at a time. Prolonged burning can cause the wick to become too long, leading to increased smoke and the potential for the wick to drown in the melted wax. To maximize the burn time of your candle, extinguish it after a few hours and allow it to cool before relighting.

6. Never leave a burning candle unattended: This is a golden rule when it comes to candle safety. Always extinguish your beeswax candle before leaving the room or going to bed. Accidents can happen in a matter of seconds, and it's crucial to prioritize safety at all times.

By following these correct ways to burn beeswax candles and incorporating these safety tips into your candle-burning routine, you can enjoy the beauty and benefits of beeswax candles while ensuring a safe and pleasant experience.

Remember, beeswax candles are not only environmentally friendly but also provide a healthier alternative to traditional paraffin candles.

So go ahead, light up your space with the warm glow of beeswax and indulge in the soothing ambiance they create. Stay safe and enjoy your beeswax candle-burning experience!